Supported by: Global Fund for Women

Budget:  42,00,000.00 BDT

Period: 01 May’2021 to 30 April’2023

Area: Upazilla: Bogura Sadar, District: Bogura


  • Humanitarian assistance activities for the affected families in COVID-19 (Supply of Oxygen Cylinder at Health Complex, Mask & Soap distribution and Distribution of food items among the affected families in COVID-19).
  • Base line survey of target areas on SH in Sadar Upozila.
  • Monthly Meeting with YWL Members.
  • Project Inception Workshop (Upazilla Level) .
  • Provide Capacity building training to the CYWLs on SRHR, causes of compliance, High court directive, A2i, law and rules against VAW (5 days long).
  • Review Discussion on tools and techniques to raise awareness against GBV with CYWLs (day long)
  • Conduct orientation on VAW prevention to strengthen UP standing committee & Nari Nirzaton Protirodh Committee (day long).
  • Yearly Information Sharing Workshop with CYWLs, stakeholders and duty barrier.
  • Conduct court yard meeting among the community people by CYWLs.
  • Facilitate and conduct 16 days of activism and other international campaigns & movements with the participation of the innovators against GVB team for increasing awareness to ending VAW.
  • Day observation (International women’s day, Daughter Children’s Day and Rural Women’s Day/FY)
  • Focus Group Discussion (FGD) (16 FGDs will conduct with victim average about 15, at 8 Unions.)
  • Interface meetings with stakeholders for sharing data of FGD.
  • Develop BCC material and leaflets to build awareness among the people regarding GBV issue.
  • Formation of sexual harassment prevention committee and Multi Stake-holder Align (MSA) at school to follow the high court directive.
  • Discussion on tools and techniques to raise awareness against GBV with school cabinet to build awareness and change patriarchy and social norms and behavior (10 Batches in 10 Schools).
  • Quarterly meeting with Sexual harassment committee and multi stakeholder Align (MSA).
  • Conduct workshops to develop communication plan with students, management and staff to disseminate SH related information and policy across the project areas.
  • Orientation on Adapt zero tolerance policy of SH with their cooperation and provide a clear concept on the topic through consultation with teachers and students.
  • To do Wall painting to creating new concept of ending violence against women and girls.
  • Plantation program (Tree saplings @ 150 Tree saplings/FY).

Supported by: Global Fund for Women

Budget:  2,400,000.00 BDT

Period: 21 March’2017 to 20 March’2020

Area: Upazilla: Bogura Sadar, District: Bogura


  • Formed 01 nos. forum comprise 15 nos. members for each Forum.
  • Project Inception Workshop (Upazilla Level)
  • Capacity Building on Women Leadership & Movement (5 days long)
  • Training on Gender violence & Human Rights (3 days long)
  • Training on SRHR (2 days long)
  • Training on Communication & Networking (2 days long)
  • Training on Journal Writing & Reporting (3 days long)
  • Courtyard meeting on Women Rights & SRSR
  • Drama Campaign for Gender Awareness at College & Community level
  • Day Observation (6 day observation/FY)
  • Beneficiaries Movement for different initiative
  • Meeting with others NGOs Staffs
  • Meeting with Union Parishad

Supported by: Global Fund for Women

Budget:  8,42,000.00 BDT

Period: 01 May’2021 to 31 October’2021

Area: Upazilla: Shibganj, District: Bogura


  • Humanitarian assistance activities for the affected families in COVID-19 (Supply of Oxygen Cylinder at Upazila Health Complex and Mask & Soap distribution).
  • Monthly Meeting with Upazila Advocacy Forum (UAF) Members.
  • Project Inception Workshop (Upazilla Level).
  • Provide Capacity building training to the FCPG & CMG on SRHR, causes of compliance, High court directive, A2i, law and rules against VAW (2 days long).
  • Discussion on tools and techniques to raise awareness against GBV with Union Women Forum.
  • Conduct orientation on VAW prevention to strengthen UP standing committee & Nari Nirzaton Protirodh Committee (day long).
  • Women Empowerment & Leadership Building Training to 10 Couples/Union.
  • Conduct court yard meeting among the community people by UWF.
  • Focus Group Discussion (FGD) (8 FGDs will conduct with Community Women people average about 20, at 8 Villages on women and girls about their rights.).
  • Interface meetings with stakeholders for sharing data of FGD.
  • Information Sharing Workshop with UAF, stakeholders and duty barrier.
  • Plantation program (150 Tree saplings).

Supported by: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Swiss contact Bangladesh.

Budget: 1,83,69,920.00 BDT

Period: July’2016 to June’2020 (Follow-up Activities ongoing)

Area: Bogura Sadar & Gabtoli Upazilla under Bogura District


  • Raise awareness among the beneficiaries about benefits of and opportunities for skills training
  • Facilitate delivery of demand –driven skills training for wage and self employment
  • Support beneficiaries and private sector enterprises to conduct workplace-based training and job placement
  • Assist in establishing a cell within the Informal Sector Industry Skills Council for raising awareness among informal sector enterprises on LRDW

Job placement follow-up & Linkage with enterprises to create new job for drop-out graduates.

Funded by: UN Women

Supported by: NARIPOKKHO

Project Duration: 1 year (October 2019-September 2020)

Goal of the Project: Women and girls, including the most marginalized, are free of violence at home, at work and in public spaces.

 Working Area:

  • GOB: DC office Bogura
  • Educational Institutions: Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogura & Bogura Polytechnic Institute
  • Chamber of Commerce -Work Places: Factories
  • Work with Community people: 4 Villages of Talora Union under Dupchachia Upazila at Bogura District

 Target groups: Students, Community people, Factory worker & related committee


Capacity Building

  • To build capacities of the Office of the DC and Local Government organizations to prevent and respond to VAW;
  • Gender Responsiveness to prevent workplace violence;

Integration of VAW prevention into Local Government process

  • Identify strategies to mainstream VAW prevention into local development plans and budgets
  • Provide mentorship to local government officials and representatives on developing VAW prevention plans

Strengthen coordination between government and NGOs

  • Strengthen the Nari Nirjatan Protirodh Cells (NNPCs) Committees;
  • Strengthen coordination between the NNPCs and the One Stop Crisis Cell at the Medical College Hospital and District Legal Aid as well as CSOs;
  • Maintain an effective mechanism to prevent or deter sexual abuse and harassment and provide effective measures for prosecution
  • Provide orientation and training on sexual harassment & Arrange for proper counseling
  • Ensure continuous communication and consultation with the administrative authorities to create awareness in law enforcing agencies
  • Prepare and publish booklets containing the guidelines
  • Take effective measures for preventing SH
  • Take appropriate disciplinary action for cases of SH
  • Put in place complaint mechanism

Supported by: Own Fund, TMSS, GUK & Others Donors

Period: 1 April’2020 to 30 March’2022

Aria: Bogura Sadar & Shibganj Upazila under Bogura District.



  • Distribution of awareness leaflets on Covid-19- 10,000 Leaflet to 5,000 peoples
  • Distribution of masks and hand sanitizers- 2,500 peoples
  • Awareness raising Micing on Covid-19- Every Union of Bogura Sadar & Shiganj Upazila.
  • Awareness-raising discussions at the field level and hand-to-hand teaching of hand washing- 1,200 Families
  • Distribution of food items to the Poor & disadvantage people- 500 Families

Supply of Oxygen Cylinder- 15 Cylinders

Supported by: Department of Women Affairs (DWA)

Budget: 14,22,723.00 BDT

Period: 1 August’2021 to 31 December’2022

Area: Upazilla- Bogura Sadar & Shariakandi, District- Bogura.



  • Issue based Awareness on 5 topics
  • Training on Income Generating Activities
  • Entrepreneurship Development & Business management Training
  • Savings Collection & linkage with micro finance department.

Supported by: Action aid Bangladesh

Budget: 2, 52, 23,516.00 BDT

Period: March’2016 to June’2018

Area: Upazilla: Gabtoli, District: Bogura


  • 5 Demo plot on paddy,
  • Training to women entrepreneur group members on specific value chain product,
  • Develop community action plan at entrepreneur group level based on identified constraints and intervention of value chain assessment,
  • Provide skill based training on processing, packaging and marketing of agricultural/non-agricultural products by linking entrepreneur groups,
  • Provide leadership development training to the entrepreneur groups,
  • Capacity development of women agro-entrepreneurs on social marketing techniques and strategy
  • Organize women agro-entrepreneurs fair at upazila/district level

Supported by: Department of Women Affairs (DWA)

Budget: 6,80,000.00 BDT

Period: 1st August’2021 to 31 March’2023

Area: Bogra Municipality (Pourashava), Bogura


  • Awareness on Maternity, Re-productive Health, Hygienic & Sanitation of 800 women.

Supported by: Human Development Foundation (HDF)

Budget: 5,69,000.00 BDT

Period: January’2017 to December’2017 & July’2018 to June’2019

Area: Upazilla: Bogra Sadar, District: Bogra


  • Provide Training on Skills development on Tailor (Training Duration: 3 months).
  • Provide Training on Skills development on Machine Embroidery (Training Duration: 3 months).

Supported by: Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF)

Budget: 369,000.00 BDT

Period: July’2019 to June’2020

Area: Upazilla: Bogra Sadar, District: Bogra


  • Training on Computer Basic Course. (Training Duration: 6 months)
  • Training on Tailor (Training Duration: 6 months)

Supported by: Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF)

Budget: 3,70,000.00 BDT

Period: July’2021 to June’2022

Area: Upazilla: Bogra Sadar, District: Bogra


  • Construction of houses (05 houses)

Supported by: Department of Women Affairs (DWA)

Budget: 62,12,950.00 BDT

Period: 1 February’2013 to 31 December’2020

Area: Dhunat & Shibganj Upazilla under Bogura District. Kaliganj & Aditmari under Lalmonirhat District


  • Issue based Awareness on 5 topics
  • Training on Income Generating Activities
  • Entrepreneurship Development & Business management Training
  • Savings Collection & linkage with micro finance department.

Supported by: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)

Budget: 82, 92,272.00 BDT

Period: 01 December’2014 to 31 June’2017

Area: Upazilla: Gabtoli, District: Bogra

Activities: Ensuring responsiveness of Local Governance Institutions

A: Capacity Building of CMG and Local Citizens for their Engagement in Monitoring Advocacy works:

  • Formation of community monitoring groups/support groups (27 member)- 9 nos.
  • Project Inception Meeting (District and Union level -10 nos.
  • Project inception workshop (district level with DC, UNO, DDLG, UP representatives and Standing committee)-1 no.
  • Training/orientation for community monitoring groups/support groups on LGSP and SA tools (2 days)- 9 nos.
  • Refreshers Training/orientation for community monitoring groups/support groups on LGSP and SA tools (2 days) -9nos.
  • By monthly meeting with community monitoring groups/support groups – 15 nos.
  • Awareness raising and assists to develop the UP bodies (Court yard meeting/ community meeting on information dissemination) – 648 nos

B: Ensuring Quality Service for Transparency & Accountability through monitoring and advocacy work

  • Social mapping 18 nos.
  • Implement of community scorecards-
  • Input tracking- 18 nos.
  • FGDs with community – 36 nos.
  • FGDs with service providers- 18 nos.
  • Development Community action plan and display -18 nos.
  • Conduct Social Audit -18 nos.

C: Increase responsiveness of public institution

  • Meeting with local level government officials.
  • Meeting with Union parishad – 81 nos.
  • Interface meting -18 nos.
  • Facilitate Union Parishad to organize planning meeting- 18 nos.
  • Facilitate Union Parishad to organize wardshava- 162 nos.
  • Facilitate UPs to conduct open budget session at UP level- 18 nos.
  • Training/orientation UPs (WC &SSC) to exercises of Social Accountability tools – 9 nos.
  • Training/orientation UPs (WC &SSC) on RTI- 9 nos.
  • Regional level roundtable meeting on Social Accountability -3 nos.
  • Installed suggestion boxes in the Union Parishad 9 nos.
  • Public hearing 18 nos.

Supported by: NGO Forum for Public Health

Budget: 48,30,226.00 .00BDT

Period: 01 November’2014 to 30 December’2016

Area: Upazilla: Bogra Sadar, District: Bogra

Activities: Ensuring responsiveness of public institutions

  1. Capacity Building of Local Citizens for their Engagement in Monitoring Advocacy works.
  • Formation of Union Citizens Forums (UCF) & District Advocacy Forum (DAF)
  • Capacity Development of UCF & DAF
  • workshop with selected service providers and District-level workshop on presentation of identified problems, process of action plan development and advocacy works:
  1. Monitoring and Advocacy for functional committees and quality services
  • Monitoring of existing services of selected service points
  • District level advocacy meeting for Sharing field findings and Action plan development:
  • Action plan Develop and Display in Bill Board.
  • Strengthening SMC, PTA and Union Standing Committee.
  • Citizen Charter Development and hanging it open place.
  • Management Committee Strengthening through Advocacy and Meetings with service recipients and service providers of Health, Education, Agriculture sector and Union Parishad.

Supported by: Centre for Disability in Development (CDD)

Budget: 88,24,000.00 BDT

Period: 1st January’2013 to 31st December’2016

Area: Upazilla & District- Bogra


  • Orientation on CBR key issues & CBR Working Group within the organization
  • Needs based technical support to Union Councils.
  • Network meetings, Stakeholder Analysis.
  • Sensitization workshop with school management committee (SMC)
  • Disability awareness sessions with the school children
  • Day observation (International Day for DRR, IDD, Human Rights day)
  • Adaptation and Accessibility, Provision of Assertive Devices, Formation of SHGs etc.

Supported by: Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF)

Budget: 2,75,000 BDT

Period: 1st October’2015- 30th September’2016

Area: Bogra Sadar, Bogra


  • Training on Information Technology (Computer Training on 30 Adolescent girls)
  • Training on Outsourcing (20 Adolescent girls)
  • Training on Graphics Designing (10 Adolescent girls)
  • Tree Planned & Certificate Distribution Workshop

Supported by: Department of Women Affairs (DWA)

Budget: 24,95,357.00 BDT

Period: 1 March’2015 to 31 December’2016

Area: Upazilla- Aditmary & Kaligonj, District- Lalmonirhat


  1. Issue based Awareness on 5 topics
  2. Training on Income Generating Activities
  3. Entrepreneurship Development & Business management Training
  4. Savings Collection & linkage with micro finance department.

Supported by: Department of Women Affairs (DWA)

Budget: 1,51,248.00 BDT

Period: 1st September’2015 to 30 June’2016

Area: Bogra Municipality (Powroshova), Bogra


  1. Awareness on Maternity, Re-productive Health, Hygienic & Sanitation of 1200 women.

Supported by: Disadvantaged Adolescents Working NGOs Forum (DAWN) & Own fund

Budget: 2,88,000.00 BDT

Period: 1st July’2015 to 31st December’2016

Area: Bogra Sadar Upazilla, Bogra


  • Regular Adolescent Forum Meeting
  • Workshop of Adolescents with SMC, PTA and Teachers
  • Advocacy Dialogue for ensuring service of Government Sectors
  • Sanitation Support for girls at school level.
  • Wall magazine by students in school
  • Supply information Box

Supported by: Human Development Foundation (HDF)

Budget: 549,600.00 BDT

Period: 1st July’2013 to 31st June’2015

Area: Upazilla & District- Bogra


  • Provide Training on Income Generating Activities (manufacturing Homeopathy Drum Shishi)
  • Training on Entrepreneurship Development and Marketing.
  • Training on Packaging
  • Linkage with market.

Supported By: Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce (BWCCI)

Budget: 10,25,000 BDT

Period: 1st July’2013 to 31st June’2016

Area: Bogra Sadar Upazilla;


  1. Entrepreneurship development training; i.e- i) Entrepreneurship development & Business Management ii) Marketing iii) Financial Management
  2. Linkage buildup with financial institutes;

Supported by: Relief International Bangladesh (RI)

Budget: 5,06,000.00 BDT

Period: 20 August’2014 to 19 August’2015

Area: Upazilla: Bogra Sadar, District: Bogra


  • Direct Assistance to Male Victims of Human Trafficking
  • Training on Entrepreneurship Development & Business Management
  • Psychosocial Counseling Service
  • Technical and Vocational Educations
  • Awareness Raising Program for College Students
  • Public Hearing on Human Trafficking

Supported by: Manusher Jonno Foundation

Budget: 2,63,510 BDT

Area: Union: Shakharia, Upazilla: Bogra Sadar, District: Bogra


  • Formation of Citizen & Youth Forum
  • Capacity Building Training for Forum members
  • Strengthening Management Committee & Community Support Group of FWC & CC
  • Citizen Charter Development
  • Action Plan Development for insuring Health Service

Supported by: USAID-PROGATI

Period: October 15, 2011 – July 31, 2012

Budget: 69,13,192.00 BDT

Area: Bogra, Joypurhat, Lalmonirhat, Rajshahi and Dinajpur District.


Institutionalizing District-Level Citizen Participation Entry Points, Phase-03

  • Organize and facilitate a series of 3-5 district level meetings;
  • Advise Network PNGOs leaders, CSOs and government officials on the implementation of action plans
  • CSO-Citizen Forum sharing meetings;
  • Citizen’s Charter Adaptation for Local Use
  • Workshop for Citizen Forum member & Network PNGOs leaders
  • Meeting with Citizen Forum members and CSO leaders
  • Citizen’s Charter development meetings with forum members and GOB officials
  • Citizen’s Charter joint monitoring & improvement meetings with CF members and GOB officials

10 different Year 5 civil society activities and interview representatives of at least 50 CSOs to Develop Action Plan.

Convene a two-day action planning workshop in Dhaka

Supported by: USAID-PROGATI

Budget: 18,29,123.00 BDT

Period: June’2011 – August’2011

Area: Bogra, Sirajgang,Joypurhat and Lalmonirhat District.


  • General Anti-Corruption Campaign- 12 nos.
  • Scorecard Dialogues- 12 nos.
  • Budget Oversight Awareness Dialogues- 10 nos.
  • Lesson Learning Workshop- 1 no.

Supported by: USAID-PROGATI

Budget: 62,27,541 BDT

Area: Bogra, Sirajgang, Pabna, Rangpur, Nilphamari, Joypurhat, Lalmonirhat and Panchgarh District.          


  • General Anti-Corruption Campaign- 20 nos.
  • Scorecard Dialogues- 20 nos.
  • Budget Oversight Awareness Dialogues- 20 nos.
  • Lessons Workshop- 1 no.

Supported by: Center for Disabilities in Development (CDD)

Budget:13,14,000 BDT

Total Clients: Yearly 150 school children with Disabilities and Family members;

Area: Bogra Sadar Upazilla, Bogra.


  • District & Local level workshop on Disability
  • School Adaptation
  • Caregiver Training
  • Inclusive Education
  • Assistive Device distribution
  • Therapy for disabilities.

Supported by: Bangladesh NGO Foundation

Budget: 4,00,000 BDT

Area: Bogra Sadar, Bogra


  • Training on Information Technology (Computer Training on 120 Adolescent girls)
  • Issue based Awareness program for Adolescent girls.
  • School based Campaign for using Information Technology.
  • Training on Handicraft & IT
  • Training on Digital Device & Gender
  • Workshop on Union Information Service.

Supported by: South Asia Partnership (SAP) Bangladesh

Budget: 9, 89,677 BDT

Area: Shajahanpur Upazilla of Bogra district;


  • Adult Education
  • Awareness Raising on Women and Child Trafficking;
  • Adolescent’s Nutrition Education;
  • Primary Health care;
  • Agricultural Activities- Vegetable production and homestead gardening;
  • Asset transfer and Goat rearing;
  • Linkage with GO/NGO;

Supported By: Action-Aid Bangladesh and Manusher Jonno Foundation

Total Budget: 33,58,961 BDT (Action-Aid- 15,00,000 BDT ongoing and MJF- 18,58,961 BDT)

Area: Bogra District;


  • Revolving fund for Women Entrepreneurs;
  • Promoting Women Rights;
  • Legal Supports to the tortured women;
  • Linkages with local service providers;
  • Networking of female headed organizations;

Supported By: Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industries (BWCCI)

Area: Fulbari Upazilla, Dinajpur District;


  • Training on Gender and Rights;
  • Training on Marketing;

Supported By: USC Canada Bangladesh

Period: April-December’2005

Budget: 15,00,000 BDT

Total Beneficiaries: 1200 rural women

Area: Kushtia & Chuadanga District;


  • Provide IGA Skill Training of 750 women.

Supported By: Own initiative

Period: July’05-June’06

Budget: 116,000 BDT

Total Beneficiaries: 30 Adolescents

Area: Kurigram District


  • Health and Nutrition Education.

Supported By: Social Welfare Department

Period: August-November’2007

Budget: 1,16,000.00 BDT (Grant)

Total Beneficiaries: 25 rural woman

Area: Bogra District


  • Women and Child Rights;
  • IGA skill training.